Daily Dose of Logos | #15

If Colossians 1:17 serves as the introduction to family relationships (the subsequent verses, 18ff, discuss the role of husbands and wives), then the key to a healthy and happy marriage and family is to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Today is our 49th wedding anniversary. It feels like yesterday when we stood at the altar, me in my 1970s white tuxedo and Carol in her stunning wedding dress. We were young and excited to face our future together.

Marriages have challenges (mostly caused by me, heehee), but ours have become fewer and irrelevant over the years. We always honored our commitment and resisted pressures from the outside world. Young people today give up too easily. Our union has been a blessing for almost five decades.

The secret to our lasting and loving marriage lies in following biblical principles as husband and wife.

Now, let’s move forward to fifty!

She still looks at me that way!
With our young parents! Casey, Marje, and Dorothy. April 1975.
With youth pastor, Fenton McDonald, and Dr. George O, Peek. I married an older woman! was twenty and Carol twenty-one.

Order a copy of my expanded and updated daily Bible Reading guide through Paul’s epistles.

Daily Bible Reading: 35 Days Through Paul’s Epistles


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